Scroll to end for a quick read summary and top tip.

Reading time approx. 3 minutes.

Copywriting vs. content writing; do you know the difference and how that impacts your sales?

Well, as I’m a copywriter, let’s talk about copywriting first. The art of writing to persuade.

Think about this can of soup.

can of soup(1).png

How does it make you feel? No different? Slightly hungry?
Maybe it reminds you of your favourite brand name. {insert copyrighted image instead}
Maybe you don’t even like soup and it’s doing absolutely nothing for you at all expect making you feel sick (if this is you sorry!) Change it to spaghetti hoops instead? Or baked beans?

I digress.

What if the can had a tag line that steered your mind towards a childhood camping holiday? This memory makes you smile. You think about it all morning.

What if the advert reminds you of buying your first home, enjoying your first meal together under your own roof? You laugh to yourself and remind your partner to put soup on the shopping list.

What if in the middle of winter on a cold train station platform, you stand opposite the biggest, best and more delicious bowl of steaming hot soup. You’d probably nip into the shops that evening and buy… a can of soup. You think to yourself what a great idea that was on your part as it will warm you right up.

Advertising is everywhere! Whether you feel like you are influenced by it or not, most likely you are and have been. Fact.

My point is copywriting is all around us. Sometimes it’s hugely obvious on a massive billboard, other times it’s more subtle on a headline of an email in your inbox. They all have one thing in common though; to get you to take an action. The size of that action is irrelevant.

Now let’s talk content. Content writing is an art in itself, however, like this blog, is designed to educate and inform the reader. As it is linked less to an immediate increase in sales it is often cheaper and therefore more desired by business owners wanting to get more customers.

This is where the problem lies. Business expectations are high with content writers. I feel for them because the job they are doing is growing your audience and getting your name out there. Their job is not to increase your sales. You may get a little more and over time you certainly should expect an increase but in the short term all you are saying is “Here is my soup, isn’t it lovely?” I don’t know about you but I haven’t bought many things because someone has simply shown it to me. I normally need a bit of a back story, connection or feeling prior to parting with my cash.

Now before all the content writers come at me; there is a place for both of us in business. In fact there is a need for both of us. If you are looking for more engagement and to grow your business organically then content is definitely the way forward. If you are wanting an increase in sales from your ideal target audience; speak to a copywriter. Understanding what you are getting and paying for is vital. No point buying a can of soup when you don’t own a can opener!

Quick Read Summary:

Copywriters write for the reader to take an action. Usually to click, open, buy, subscribe etc. This is a quicker strategy to get an increase in sales.

Content writers write to engage and build your audience. Usually to get your name out there. This is a longer strategy to get an increase in sales.

TOP TIP: Think about your marketing goals? Are you wanting to increase your audience or your sales in the short term? If it's audience, hire a content writer. If it's sales, hire a copywriter.


