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Copywriting Coaching.

Confidently create concise copy that connects.

Jump straight to the courses.

Save yourself the headache

Get direction on exactly what is needed for an audience attracting website

Hello, I’m Chantal; a freelance copywriter.

I have found that there are lots of business owners who struggle with copywriting. Maybe they don’t know how to sell themselves without sounding like their ego is MASSIVE or sometimes it can be more about what needs to be on a website in the first place. Do you really need an about page? (The quick answer to that one is, yes!)

Hiring a good copywriter can be expensive. That’s because it’s a skill we’ve learnt and it takes time and energy to be creative. That being said though I truly believe that, given the right tools, most people can up their writing game and reap the rewards.

I’ve created this course because I hear it all too often that business owners don’t know what to write on their websites. That it takes ages and at the end they aren’t really that happy with it anyway. I genuinely want to help because for me copywriting is a game-changer in business. Once you’ve learnt the fundamentals, you’ll never go back to how you used to write for your business again.

 Why is copywriting essential for my business?

Copywriting is sales writing. It is writing persuasively to a particular audience with a defined action for the reader to take. Copywriting is therefore vital for your business if you are selling anything. Whether that is a product or service, it doesn’t make a difference. If you are needing to increase your sales then this course is for you.

Is copywriting coaching for me?

Copywriting coaching for your website is for you if:

  • you waste time taking ages deciding what to write

  • you lack confidence, thinking your writing isn’t good enough

  • you need accountability to actually make time for writing

  • you want to learn some inner secrets to writing great copy

  • you want a more affordable way to get great copy for your website

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The next copywriting coaching course will be:

Thursday 6th January 2022

09:30 - 11:30am (GMT)


 Copywriting coaching:

write website content that converts!

What you can expect:

  • small group interactive zoom sessions

  • 2hrs a week coaching over 6 weeks

  • set modules on writing/improving the copy on your website

  • online group (Facebook) to allow for continued learning between sessions

  • transferable skills that can be used throughout your marketing

Here are the modules we’ll be covering:

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Change how you deliver your message, forever!

In 6 weeks you’ll have the knowledge to be able to write effectively for your website.

(and we all know effective writing leads to more sales!)


Don’t miss out on your opportunity to write website copy with impact.


Copyright (C) 2024 The Chemistry of Copy – Chantal Walker