Scroll to end for a quick read summary and top tip.

Reading time approx. 1.5 minutes.

Finding the right copywriter for you and why it’s important.

We are all different. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. We all put different values and expectations on to the same issues. Our interests differ. Our communication styles are sometimes not compatible.

Due to these reasons and most likely thousands of others, we don’t always ‘click’ with everyone straight away. Some people we never warm to. I’m here to say that’s alright. I would obviously love it if we all loved each other and got along but it’s unrealistic. A more realistic view is that when you are looking for a copywriter, or any service actually, there are plenty of choices. Don’t rush into it. Take your time and get talking to people. You can like someone’s socials and website but ultimately if you haven’t made a personal connection with them it doesn’t mean much.

It’s so important to make a good decision. They say no clients are better than bad clients and the same is true for the customer. If you’re a great communicator, for example, you will probably need that in your copywriter. After all, you will be working together, sharing ideas and feedback. You can have the best copywriter in the land come to you but if you don’t get along they aren’t the best for YOU. That’s really what matters.

Quick Read Summary:

Find the right copywriter for you by speaking to us. We don’t bite! (Well I mean I bite a lot of cakes so if you’re a cake maybe stay clear)
Make sure you get along with your prospective copywriter BEFORE you commit to any projects.

TOP TIP: You can find us through Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, referrals. We’re everywhere really and we’re looking for you too :)

To help you in your search here’s what I look for in my clients:

  • Honest

  • Great communicators

  • Positive attitude

  • Open to ideas

  • Committed to action

I have a love for the Spice Girls that didn’t go away into adulthood sooooo...

Blog Spice Girls.png

If you think we’d get on, get in touch for a chat. It’s free as I know you need to suss me out :)


