Scroll to end for a quick read summary and top tip.

Reading time approx. 2 minutes.

Why an ‘about’ page makes a difference; are you connecting to your desired audience?

You have probably heard that it’s good to connect with your target audience before. If you haven’t, it’s raved about because people love a story. Something to relate to, or inspire them. It can even be something as simple as your name, as that means there is a real person behind the brand.

So ‘about’ pages. Traditionally used to say a little bit about your background. A little of how you got started. A little about what you love doing on the weekend. Sounds about right?

Well they are good and certainly better than nothing. BUT… we can do better. An ‘about’ page surprisingly shouldn’t technically be all about you. I know. Then who is it about? Well it’s about how you or your company can help your target audience to solve a problem they are facing. Or if you are a product based company, about how your services are superior.

Instead of saying, “I’m a copywriter who loves to write” say “I’m a copywriter who will increase your sales through my love of writing” and even better still, “I’m a copywriter who writes action inspiring words to increase your sales; I love it!”

I can love writing more than anything else in the world but my love of it does not relate to how that benefits you. So I say what I do and what I do for your business. This is good but it doesn’t say how I do that. The third expands into how I increase your sales. The who, what and how.

The second part of an ‘about’ section is to think about who you want to be reading it. People often fall into the trap of wanting everyone to be a customer/client. Whilst this would be nice it’s not realistic. Think about who your target audience is. If they are young adults for example you wouldn’t be wanting to write in a formal business-like tone. Same for finance, unless your branding is explicitly different, you wouldn’t be using slang as it doesn’t set the right tone for someone having a handle over their money.

The tone sets the scene for a prospective buyer so best to get it right. Either they love it and keep reading or they don’t and move on. Both are good situations for everyone. I say this because it’s a lot easier to sell to a person who is already 50% interested in what you have to say/sell than it is to convert someone who is never ever in a million years going to be your customer. Best to speak to the people who are half way there and just need a little persuasion to get them to 100%.

Quick Read Summary:

‘About’ sections should showcase your skills, products, services etc that make you and your business different.

‘About’ sections should speak to your target audience. It’s alright to not be appealing to everyone.

TOP TIP: if you are a solopreneur try not to have an ‘about us’ section. If it’s just you, say it’s just you in your ‘about me’ section.

If you’d like me to take a look at your ‘about’ page feel free to send me a link to it. I’ll give you my professional opinion for FREE, yay!

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